



Grant awards are made to the institution, not an individual Project Director; therefore, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 assumes full legal responsibility for ensuring that all funds received through 该裁决书用于合同条件中概述的目的和意图 协议.

赠款和合同包含严格的行政责任. The original grant 协议 will be kept in the Grant Specialist’s files. 一个副本 赠款协议的副本将由项目经理和会计保存 办公室. The accounting 办公室 will maintain a file for each grant and will begin the proper monitoring of 授予 for the entire grant period.  


项目经理在管理时负有行政和报告责任 资助. 了解所有奖项要求是项目经理的责任 and contract details, as well as the policies and procedures of 澳门足球博彩官方网址. 这是责任 项目经理负责审查和监督合同的顺利完成 并资助资助的活动,以及防止机构的财务负债. 项目经理将负责沟通所有项目、课程、 和预算问题向州和/或联邦审计员汇报. 

这个项目 Manager has the following specific roles in managing 资助:

  • 监控项目预算
  • Monitor sub-contractors, sub-recipients, and service providers
  • Compiling and addressing any requests from external parties involved in monitoring 授予
  • 人事管理
  • 采购
  • 物业管理
  • 定期与赠款和会计办公室会面
  • Manage grant according to all federal regulations and policies
  • 维护提供每月绩效指标描述的进度报告 including outcome measures as well as budget versus actual expenditures and status 在所有拨款活动中.


Under the general supervision of the University Controller, an accountant performs 各种奖项前和奖项后的职能,包括:协助预算 发展,咨询项目经理关于资助项目的财务状况 向管理员和项目经理提供咨询和帮助 关于拨款的财务监督,以确保符合联邦和非联邦 指引及制度政策. 对遵守的具体控制 所有项目经理必须遵守赠款,并可在“合规性”中找到 和控制链接”.   

In addition to ensuring federal grant compliance, the accountant:

  • Prepares timely and accurate invoices for submission to grantors and assures that costs incurred on cost reimbursable 协议s are invoiced and paid.
  • 与他人有效沟通并发展专业、有效的工作关系 with grant administrators such as federal project 办公室rs.
  • 与大学拨款管理人员密切合作,提供规则和指导 regulations of sponsored programs to ensure compliance.
  • 担任大学拨款管理人员事务的主要联系人 成本是否允许.
  • 协助执行新发布或修订的政策和程序 影响拨款管理.
  • 回应审核员的询问,并在审核期间提供详细的文件 奖项评审.
  • Financially manages grants and contracts, including the monitoring and analysis of 支出水平.
  • 管理拨款结清过程,包括数据分析和预测,报告 整理数据并准备结帐报告.
  • 完成月末结账的各项工作,包括创建日记账; 工资调整和对账.
  • Serves as a finance team member by participating in group training and development 活动,为奖助金的发展贡献奖助金管理专业知识 数据仓库和它的报告.


Many grants allow staff time to be reimbursed through 授予. 所有薪金及 benefit expenses to 资助 should be in accordance with 授予 协议. 所有 将他们的努力用于资助的员工将被要求完成至少 半年一次的时间和精力认证报告. 参见“澳门足球博彩官方网址时间和努力报告” 表格-半年一次”为具体表格使用. 

Any employee that is charging their efforts to more than one grant funding source MUST complete a bi-weekly time distribution 报告 that 报告s time by pay period. 请参考 到“时间和精力报告的授予程序”和“时间和精力表格链接” 获取进一步的说明和示例. 

所有 time and effort 报告s MUST be turned into the designated accountant.  指定的 会计将审查这些报告的准确性和完整性,并要求提供 necessary allocations of payroll charges based off of these 报告s. 


所有获资助的项目经理均获提供大学的成本会计 政策(见“澳门足球博彩官方网址成本政策报表”). 收取的费用将不会被授予 collected from 授予ing agency for reasons of unallowability, unallocability, or any other reasons must be paid for with University funds. 


授予人要求的技术报告或叙述性报告将由项目编写 Manager, reviewed by either the Program Director or the Grant Office. 这个项目 Manager must maintain all appropriate documentation for the narrative. 项目经理 是否负责获取和沟通所有报告的截止日期,包括 the final close-out 报告 to the Grant and Accounting Offices.

The Accounting department is responsible for the timely establishment of accounts 在大学的财务系统按照条款和条件 赞助协议. The Director of Accounting is responsible for providing the 必要的授权和横幅培训. 会计办公室也识别 and deposit receipts from sponsors to the proper accounts as well as approves all 资金转移和更正日记账分录. 

Grant programs that will receive deposits from both Federal and local sources have 单独的总账账号和账户在限制账户中编码 层次结构.


资助项目须接受机构审计、国家审计和大学内部审计 外部审计. 所有 personnel responsible for grants should make their best efforts to save all grant documentation, information, and correspondence in a centralized 部门文件. 

管理赠款的部门应该在这个中心位置随时可用 the following information:  grant application, grant contract, procurement files, 合同、进度报告和其他赠款合同所必需的文件 遵从性检查表. 

一些拨款机构在行政拨款前进行结帐审计 被机构关闭. Notify the Grant Office if and when an audit is scheduled for 你的批准. The Grant Office will work with each grantee to ensure that all audits 解析. 


项目经理负责监督赠款资金的任何次级接受者 to ensure the organization is in compliance with 授予 协议. 的关系 分包接受者与大学之间的关系类似于与任何供应商之间的关系 或承包商. Employees that are responsible for hiring organizations to perform 服务或提供的商品应始终确保最终产品符合预期. A sub recipient should be held to all of these standards as well. 

子接收方关系的例外情况是必须记录这种监视 遵守赠款协议. 所有子收件人必须签署一份协议 与错觉. Each Project Manager needs to work with a designated accountant from the 会计办公室在赠款期开始时确定流程和 procedures that need to be developed with monitoring any sub recipients. 一个监控 guide will be developed once this meeting has taken place.  

The monitoring guide will state the specific monitoring schedule to follow. 这个项目 Manager is responsible for implementing this monitoring and to 报告 the results 及时发送给分收件人. 除了进行定期监测外, 项目经理必须审查分包方提交的所有发票,以确保 sufficient supporting documentation and that charges are appropriate, in respect to the outlined objectives and budget in the sub recipient 协议. 

指定的会计将负责监督财务业绩 在所有子收件人中.  

The level of monitoring will be determined by completing an annual risk assessment 寄给大学的每位副收件人.  

所有次级收件人还将收到一封年度信函,要求获得该单的副本 审计报告(如适用).  


Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to an award shall be retained for a period of five years from the date of 提交最终开支报告,或每季度更新一次的奖励 or annually, from the date of the submission of the quarterly or annual financial 报告. 唯一的例外是:

  1. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the 5-year 在此期间,记录应保留至所有诉讼、索赔或审计发现为止 involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.
  2. 用联邦资金购置的不动产和设备的记录应予保留 最终处置后5年.
  3. 间接成本率建议和成本分配计划在下面处理 方式:
    • If submitted for negotiation, then the 5-year retention period for its supporting 记录从提交之日开始.
    • 如果没有提交谈判,那么提案的5年保留期, 计划,或其他计算及其辅助记录在财政结束时开始 提案、计划或其他计算所涵盖的年份(或其他会计期间).


授予机构要求的所有结帐报告将由指定的专家进行审查 提交代理机构前的会计.  项目经理负责 reviewing 授予 fund at the end of 授予 period to determine if there are 未使用或超支的资金.  这个项目 Manager will 报告 this information to the designated accountant no later than 90 days after the close of 授予 period.  任何没有用完的 要求结转的资金必须有赠款的证明文件 批准结转的机构.  

University Accounting/采购 Policies/Forms Link can be found on 澳门足球博彩官方网址X.


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